Why I give to Puente: Donna Lindsay

Donna Lindsay is known as the ‘Puente shopper.’ And she thinks that’s pretty perfect. Give her a wish list – whether socks or school supplies – and she will fill it. And chances are, she’ll be grinning the whole time. “Part of it is I like buying things for Kerry (Lobel) and then getting hugs from her,” giggles Lindsay. The San Mateo resident is no shopaholic. But she is addicted to the delicious feeling that comes from knowing that the pencil cases, Post-its, towels and t-shirts she’s purchasing with donated church funds are going to end up in the hands of students and farm workers who need those items the most. It all started in the summer of 2010. Puente Executive Director Kerry Lobel sent a letter to Congregational Church of San Mateo, a longtime Puente community ally, asking for donations to buy school supplies for South Coast students. Lindsay had recently joined the congregation after a career in Christian education at Ladera Community Church in San Mateo. “I called up Kerry and said, ‘What school supplies do you need?’ And she said, ‘You’re the first person who has asked. Normally people just go out and get what they want.’” Lindsay got her back-to-school shopping list – and it was enormous. 200 erasers. 700 pencils. It went on and on. … Continue reading Why I give to Puente: Donna Lindsay